This is an exciting time for parents, as children at this age make great strides in communication.
You and your baby will enjoy this “dialog” – the exchange of smiles, oohs and ahhs. This is when your baby’s personality begins to emerge as he or she becomes a more active and attentive member of the family.
How do babies communicate in general? Crying remains the main way of communicating emotions and information for many months. Sometimes babies may cry for no reason at all.
If your baby is not sick or injured, try not to be nervous if he or she cries and you cannot immediately calm him or her down.
In response to the sound of your voice, the child will become quiet, smile, get excited, and start moving his or her arms and legs. At this age, babies begin to smile regularly at mom and dad, but it may take some time for them to get used to less familiar people, such as grandparents.
At this age, babies also discover the ability to make sounds: soon you’ll have a cooing Advert and a gurgling little person! Some babies start making vowel sounds around the age of 2 months.
Your baby will “talk” to you with certain sounds, as well as smile, wait for your response, and return your smiles with their own. Also note that the baby will begin to imitate your facial expressions!