“Ten-year-old Boy Captivates Every Coach on ‘The Voice’ with His Nostalgic Cover of Bob Dylan’s 1973 Hit ‘Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door'”
When ten-year-old Arthur Bolzonela stepped onto the stage of The Voice Kids, he immediately captured the audience’s attention with a classic song by Bob Dylan. It’s a powerful melody that underscores Arthur’s undeniable talent.
Arthur, at the age of ten, chose Bob Dylan’s “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” for his blind audition. His choice paid off as the young man managed to turn the chairs of all three coaches. Ultimately, it was Louis Bertinyak who became his coach!
The song has resonated with people since its debut in the 1973 film Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid. Dylan released the single “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” shortly thereafter, and it became an instant global hit.
It’s no surprise that Dylan’s music spans across many genres over the decades. His songs are embraced by both established and aspiring singers and artists like Arthur, proving that timeless music is passed down from generation to generation. Legendary singer Bob Dylan has touched the souls and hearts of countless people since the early 1960s – and his influence continues to endure to this day.