The tiny ballet dancers put on a grand show. But very soon everything went according to plan.

We just love the videos from the “Everything That Went Wrong” series because they remind us of the main thing: no matter how carefully you plan and practice, there is always the slightest possibility that something will go wrong.

But even more importantly, these videos show us that there is always room for improvisation, and we should be happy to use it.

These beautiful children are lined up to show their parents what they have learned during their dance lessons. The choreographer first announced that the children were going to show everyone different styles of dance, starting with a slow one. But as soon as the dancing begins, the girl at the end of the row decides to deviate from the original script.

While everyone else is trying their best to imitate their teacher, she spins around as if she has a completely different routine! As everyone moves from slow to moderate to fast, the fun builds more and more.

Our little improviser just doesn’t want to stand still, running around her coworkers. But the fun doesn’t end there. When the first girl calms down a bit, the other one decides that it’s time for her to get her attention and recognition. It is simply impossible to watch what is happening without smiling. Don’t forget to watch the full video below and leave a comment about your feelings.

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