Twins are able to understand each other without saying a word. Especially in childhood, they pick up on each other’s energy and easily determine the emotional temperature of their soulmate, the most reliable person in their lives since birth. One mom saw the proof and captured a tender moment between twin boys Jonathon and Garrett.
These two water babies just love to swim and don’t seem to be getting out of the tub anytime soon! Jonathon and Garrett are two halves of a whole. They have similar personalities and like to do the same things.
The best part of this video is their amazing “conversation”, full of splashes and toys, in which they discuss current topics and argue about issues that resonate deeply with them – a “conversation” that none of us will ever be able to participate in! Such incessant childish chatter and giggles are a joy to watch. However, when they go to school, their teachers will definitely have a hard time!
It seems that even at such a young age, they are able to pull silly Advert pranks, laugh at something of their own and possibly experience the best moment of their little lives! It’s hard to find someone to laugh with like that, but these two will always find each other to laugh their hearts out. Click on the video to see how this whole wonderful bathing procedure goes. These two giggling creatures are too big to describe.