Two six-year-olds steal the spotlight with their incredible piano skills in a viral video captured at a public piano.
At just six years old, most children are busy playing in the mud or getting into mischief, but some exhibit truly remarkable artistic talents. Witnessing such young children demonstrate their piano skills is unexpected, as it usually takes many years to develop such proficiency.
In a heartwarming display of talent and spontaneity, two six-year-olds captivate passersby at San Francisco’s Broadway Plaza in the Bay Area. The growing audience is amazed as one child effortlessly glides his fingers across the keys, showcasing an astonishing level of skill.
Among the young pianists is Paul Petrescu, whose interest in the piano blossomed during the pandemic when his parents purchased a keyboard for him to use during lockdown. Their impromptu performance not only impresses onlookers but also serves as a source of inspiration for people everywhere.