A 37-year-old woman from South Africa made headlines around the world after giving birth to a remarkable set of ten children in a single delivery.

A 37-year-old woman from South Africa made headlines around the world after giving birth to a remarkable set of ten children in a single delivery.

Goshiame made headlines on June 7 when she gave birth to an extraordinary set of ten children via caesarean section at just 29 weeks into her pregnancy. The miraculous delivery included seven boys and three girls, adding to her already large family, as she had previously given birth to twins six years ago.

Initially informed by doctors that she would be expecting six children, Goshiame was later surprised to learn that she was carrying eight fetuses. However, two of them remained undetected initially as they were located in a different fallopian tube.

Speaking before the birth, Goshiame’s husband, Tebono Tsotetsi, expressed his astonishment and gratitude, feeling blessed by the impending arrival of their children. Despite the joyous occasion, the pregnancy had been challenging for Goshiame, who experienced leg pain and heartburn as early as eight weeks into her term.

Medical experts speculate that Goshiame may have undergone hormonal or fertility treatments, although they do not discount the possibility of natural conception. The unique nature of her pregnancy poses significant risks, including insufficient space in the womb leading to potential issues with the babies’ growth.

Following their premature birth, Goshiame’s newborns are under observation in incubators for the foreseeable future. While Goshiame seems to hold the record for the largest number of children born at once, surpassing previous records of nine births, the journey ahead for her and her family remains unprecedented and full of challenges.

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