A family from Rotherham is facing the threat of homelessness due to unpaid rent, with the possibility of being evicted from their home on Brunswick Street, Thurnscoe.

A family from Rotherham is facing the threat of homelessness due to unpaid rent, with the possibility of being evicted from their home on Brunswick Street, Thurnscoe.

Amy Winter, Joshua Thain, and their three children, Sky, Daisy-Mae, and Lexi, who live with them, have been ordered to vacate the property by January 31 following several months of missed rent payments.

Both Amy, 26, and Joshua, 27, rely on Universal Credit for financial support. Despite their circumstances, they claim that Barnsley Council has not provided assistance, leaving them feeling abandoned. Amy, who is five months pregnant, expressed concerns about their situation, stating that they rarely go out due to worries about their housing.

The family’s efforts to seek help from relatives have been unsuccessful, as their relatives are unable to provide accommodation. While Joshua’s uncle has offered assistance, he resides far away in Somerset. The tenancy agreement for the property was in the name of Joshua’s late mother, Victoria Robertshaw, who passed away at the age of 45 after contracting Covid-19.

The situation has sparked debate about the ethics of evicting the family, with opinions divided on the matter.

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