A nervous boy froze on stage, but as soon as he began to sing, he proved Simon completely wrong.

A nervous boy froze on stage, but as soon as he began to sing, he proved Simon completely wrong.

As soon as Jonathan and Charlotte took the stage on “Britain’s Got Talent,” Simon looked at Jonathan and pre-judged that the audition would be a waste of time.

“Just when you think it can’t get any worse,” he whispered to one of the fellow judges.

Little did Simon know that this act would become one of the greatest viral hits ever on YouTube, and for good reason.

17-year-old Jonathan revealed that he had been a victim of bullying due to his size, and 16-year-old Charlotte became his fearless supporter.

The situation had become so dire that Jonathan had suffered a nervous breakdown just three months prior to the audition.

In the video below, Charlotte and Jonathan blend opera with pop in their rendition of “The Prayer.” However, when shy Jonathan opens his mouth and begins to sing, his self-confidence and talent skyrocket!

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