Angela was in despair when her ex-husband and his lawyer began threatening her with legal action. But that evening, Angela found a worthy ally.

Angela was in despair when her ex-husband and his lawyer began threatening her with legal action. But that evening, Angela found a worthy ally.

In the midst of the bustling holiday season, Angela felt a cloud of sadness hanging over her. The festivities outside her window seemed a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle inside her home. The once joyful preparations for the New Year turned to heartache as she faced the reality of her steadily crumbling marriage. Thoughts of her son Andriy’s well-being and finding a job clouded her mind. An unexpected doorbell rang, and she was pulled from her thoughts. To her surprise, it was Igor, her now ex-husband, standing in the doorway. Igor immediately and maliciously revealed his plan to sell their apartment and car. Although the car was registered in Angela’s name, Igor claimed that it had been bought with his money, so he claimed ownership.

The confrontation left Angela in tears as she recalled their seven-year journey, from starting a joint business to buying a comfortable home. And all of this is now in jeopardy because of Ihor’s newfound love, Halyna. Soon after, Angela received another unexpected visitor – a lawyer sent by Igor to finalize the sale of assets. Panicked, Angela contacted her friend Irina in search of legal advice. Irina recommended her brother Andrey, who was an experienced lawyer.

A short time later, Andriy arrived at Angela’s house, ready to dive into the details of her case. As Angela recounted her ordeal, Andriy reassured her, pointing out that the car registered in her name and her significant contribution to their business could play in her favor in court. His confidence was a soothing balm to Angela’s anxieties. That same evening, she received an invitation from Irina to celebrate the New Year. To her surprise, Andriy was also a guest at the party, and they quickly found comfort in each other’s company. They spent the evening enjoying light conversation, a warm respite from Angela’s recent difficulties. A court case ensued, during which Andriy fiercely defended Angela’s rights.

His efforts paid off as the court recognized her contribution by awarding her a fair share of the assets. Angela and Andriy discovered love amidst the ruins of her past marriage; a bright ray of hope broke through the gloom that once threatened to consume her. A few months later, when Angela was expecting a child with Andrey, Igor made a futile attempt at reconciliation, only to be confronted with the glaring reality of Angela’s newfound happiness. Despite the emotional turmoil and lawsuits, Angela emerged stronger: her life intertwined with Andriy’s, a testament to unexpected beginnings and a promise of a better future.

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