Charis Pempengco, a young Filipino singer, rose to fame at the age of 14 when a video of her singing went viral on YouTube, catching the attention of renowned producer and composer David Foster

Charis Pempengco, a young Filipino singer, rose to fame at the age of 14 when a video of her singing went viral on YouTube, catching the attention of renowned producer and composer David Foster

Foster, impressed by her exceptional talent, took Charis under his wing, leading to remarkable opportunities.

During one unforgettable concert, Foster personally accompanied Charis as she performed the challenging song “All By Myself.” Her rendition was so powerful and flawless that it left both Foster and the audience in awe and disbelief.

Charis Pempengco’s meteoric rise to fame and her ability to captivate with her extraordinary voice have earned her praise and recognition worldwide, with Oprah Winfrey herself labeling her as one of the most talented young singers in the world. Witness Charis’s breathtaking performance in the video below.

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