Oksana had always strived to keep her son away from Marta, but in her twilight years, she found herself consumed by regret for her actions.

Oksana had always strived to keep her son away from Marta, but in her twilight years, she found herself consumed by regret for her actions.

Oksana made a late marriage choice, opting for Valeriy despite his lack of financial security. Their union bore fruit with the birth of their son, Nazar, and over time, they managed to establish a stable life with a home and a car. As Nazar grew up and began seeing Marta, a humble and unassuming girl, Oksana intervened, pushing him towards marrying Yevheniia, the daughter of a coworker. She resorted to deception, fabricating a story about Yevheniia being pregnant with Nazar’s child to drive Marta away.

Heartbroken, Marta disappeared, and under his mother’s pressure, Nazar wed Yevheniia. However, their marriage faltered, leading Nazar to seek solace in Poland, where he reconnected with Marta. Upon his return, he officially divorced Yevheniia and brought Marta back home, announcing their marriage and impending parenthood. Despite Marta giving birth to healthy twins, she remained adamant about keeping Oksana at bay due to past grievances.

As Oksana’s health declined and she required care, Nazar dutifully provided for her needs, but Marta refrained from visiting. Oksana yearned to reconcile and meet her grandchildren, but Marta remained unforgiving, only allowing her sons to bid farewell to their grandmother. When they finally arrived, Oksana had already passed away, clutching their photos with dried tears staining her face.

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