Valia was left in shock when her husband took one glance at the baby and hastily fled the hospital. Yet, it was his subsequent statement that left her even more stunned.

Valia was left in shock when her husband took one glance at the baby and hastily fled the hospital. Yet, it was his subsequent statement that left her even more stunned.

Valya eagerly anticipated the moment when she would leave the hospital and return home. After a week of enduring the hospital environment and the constant prodding from doctors, she felt a sense of relief as she was finally discharged. For Valya and her husband, Zhenya, this day held special significance—it marked the culmination of 20 years of longing and numerous unsuccessful attempts to conceive. Just when they had nearly given up hope, Valya’s pregnancy came as a miraculous surprise.

As their relatives gathered to celebrate Valya’s discharge, she felt overwhelmed with joy, though she preferred not to draw too much attention to herself. However, her happiness was short-lived when Zhenya, upon catching sight of the baby, abruptly stormed off without uttering a word. Valya was left in tears, bewildered by his sudden departure, and none of her relatives could fathom what had transpired.

Eventually, Zhenya was located at their apartment and brought back to provide an explanation for his actions. Shockingly, he accused Valya of infidelity, claiming that the child bore a resemblance to Vova Smirnov, whom he suspected Valya of seeing behind his back. Valya was devastated by the baseless accusation and demanded proof. Zhenya pointed out the baby’s red hair, reminiscent of Vovka’s, as evidence.

In a moment of revelation, Valya’s mother produced a photograph of Valya’s late father, who also had red hair, establishing a familial resemblance. Upon realizing his mistake, Zhenya offered his apologies, but Valya was too hurt and enraged by his unfounded accusation to accept them. She made it clear that his false accusations had marred what should have been the happiest day of her life and that his apology held no meaning for her.


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