When I hit a thief who was trying to rob me on the head with a supermarket bag, the police came running up to hear me screaming. And then the incredible thing happened.

When I hit a thief who was trying to rob me on the head with a supermarket bag, the police came running up to hear me screaming. And then the incredible thing happened.

Recently, on our way home from work, we decided to go to the supermarket and buy some minced pork. I decided to make stuffed cabbage rolls.

My St. Nicholas just loves them. It turned out to be a huge package. I decided to walk through the park to shorten my way. And our park is old – there is no lighting. I was walking and thinking: “Shit, I forgot to smoke something”. Suddenly I hear footsteps behind me, I think it’s a runner.

“Leaving the house in this weather? You’re crazy.”… This person runs up to me from behind, grabs my bag and tries to pull it out of my hands.

And I realize that all my money and documents are in there. At first I wanted to call for help, but then I decided to act on my own: I swung a supermarket bag, cracked him on the head, and he fell to the ground. I don’t know why, but I kept hitting the criminal so hard that he started calling for help.

Luckily for him, the policemen came running to hear me scream, otherwise I would have stopped. So we ended up at the police station, and the officer handed me a piece of paper with a request to write down what happened in the park.

At some point, the policeman asked me: “What do you do for a living?” -An accountant.

-“Maybe you’ll come to us? We haven’t been able to catch this scoundrel for three months. We all laughed together, and then the policemen took me home in their car. At least I didn’t have to carry the package.

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