When my son got married, my husband and I gave half of our pension. We helped our son as much as we could, but when I saw how they lived, I was horrified.

When my son got married, my husband and I gave half of our pension. We helped our son as much as we could, but when I saw how they lived, I was horrified.

After graduation, my son decided to settle in the city. He also found a girlfriend from there. When the rumor of the marriage spread, the question of where the young people would live arose. In the end, the best solution was to rent an apartment in the city. Both Kyrylo and Masha work, so they could pay for it, even though their family didn’t have much money.

My husband and I decided to help the young family, giving them part of our pension to help them eat well and save money ourselves. But recently, a pipe burst, and repairs were inevitable in the bathroom. Fortunately, we had some savings and could cover the costs. My husband did the repairs, he is a handyman, and I had to move in with my son for a while. I was amazed at the way they live! They have a lot of reckless spending.

When they go out, they always take coffee, and it is very expensive in coffee shops. They also wash the dishes with expensive detergents, when you can do it with vinegar and soda. It’s cheaper and more environmentally friendly. If they get a hole in their socks, they throw them away immediately, even though they can easily sew them up. And this is just a part of the things they spend a lot of extra time handling. This is all incomprehensible to me. Why live large if you need money? I decided that I would no longer help them.


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