After his wife’s words, Ivan lost touch with reality and thought only about her possible infidelity. But the turn was very unexpected.

After his wife’s words, Ivan lost touch with reality and thought only about her possible infidelity. But the turn was very unexpected.

“Ivan, I need to confess something to you… Please don’t judge me harshly…” the wife said, entering the kitchen where her husband was quietly drinking tea. Ivan’s eyes turned red – had she really betrayed him?

It seemed to Ivan that an unknown sword had been stabbed into his heart when Maria said her first words with such a serious expression. For a moment, his mind was occupied by dark clouds of doubt, but his wife’s next confession brought him back to the normal course of reality.

“I scratched your car when I was parking…” she said sadly. Ivan suddenly felt relieved,

that went straight through every cell of his body. He abruptly jumped up from his chair and hugged Maria forcefully, kissing her on the forehead and then on the lips. “You’re not angry?” Maria asked with anxiety in her voice when their lips finally parted. “Of course not, it’s just a car.

Nothing terrible happened. I just got scared because of your entrance. I thought something much worse had happened,” Ivan admitted honestly, lightening the mood of both of them. Maria laughed and hugged him back, relieved. At that moment, Ivan realized that the importance of the moment was not in the superficial view of things,It was that they could be honest with each other, even when it seemed difficult or uncomfortable.

“You know, I think we have a great opportunity to wash the car together this weekend. What do you say?”

Ivan suggested, winking at his wife.

“That sounds good,” Maria smiled. And so, on a Saturday morning, the two of them went to the car wash. While they were joking and splashing water, Ivan realized that sometimes small misfortunes can be the occasion for the warmest and most sincere moments between them. It was that day when they laughed together under the rays of the autumn sun, and the world around them seemed just perfect.


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