During the wedding festivities, Yura caught sight of a striking young woman standing alone, nursing her drink with a discontented expression. Little did he know, this chance encounter would change both of their lives in unexpected ways.

During the wedding festivities, Yura caught sight of a striking young woman standing alone, nursing her drink with a discontented expression. Little did he know, this chance encounter would change both of their lives in unexpected ways.

One day at his friend’s wedding, Kirill noticed a captivating young woman standing alone in a corner of the restaurant, sipping her drink. Intrigued, he decided to strike up a conversation. “This wedding is rather disappointing,” the girl remarked suddenly. “Why do you say that?” Kirill inquired. “Because it feels like a throwback to a collective farm celebration. The contests are outdated, the emcee is already tipsy, and the dancing hasn’t even started yet,” she replied with a hint of disdain. “I think I’ll head out.” “Hold on, where are you going alone at this hour? Let me call you a cab and make sure you get home safely,” Kirill offered. “No need, my parents are already asleep.” “What do your parents have to do with anything?” Kirill was puzzled.

“It’s obvious why you’re suggesting it. We’re both a bit tipsy, so we’ll likely end up staying up all night. Let’s head to your place,” the girl, whose name turned out to be Olya, suggested. She asked Kirill to pick up a cake on the way, as there hadn’t been any at the wedding. Later that night, they found themselves at Kirill’s home, sharing an unforgettable evening. They drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms. In the morning, Kirill entered the kitchen to find Olya sitting at the table in his shirt, enjoying the cake. “It’s delicious. Join me, I’ll brew some tea,” she invited. They spent the morning chatting comfortably, and Kirill realized it had been a long time since he felt so at ease and content in someone’s company. Olya made his house feel like a home, and everything seemed brighter in her presence. Then, Olya left without leaving any contact information behind. Kirill searched high and low for her, but to no avail. Eventually, by a stroke of luck, he spotted Olya on the street. Overjoyed, they embraced, and from that moment on, they never parted ways. Their wedding was a reflection of their unique connection, far from the traditional collective farm style.

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