Her husband had been on the toilet for an hour, so his wife decided to check on him. But before she called him, she put her ear to the toilet door. What she heard made her shudder.

Her husband had been on the toilet for an hour, so his wife decided to check on him. But before she called him, she put her ear to the toilet door. What she heard made her shudder.

Christina looked at her watch, frowning. Robert had been in the bathroom for too long, and it made her anxious. Could something have happened to him? She went to the toilet to knock, but before doing so, she decided to put her ear to the door. The woman heard her husband’s voice, quiet, almost a whisper. He said: “I miss you… No, she’s at home. I can’t speak loudly. I’ll try to come tomorrow.” Christina felt heavy at heart. She could guess who he was talking to. Robert had never been so delicate and gentle with her in recent months.

She stepped away from the door, trying to collect her thoughts. When the door finally opened and Robert stepped out, Christina’s face was one of disappointment. “Who did you talk to?” she asked, not looking him in the eye. Robert blushed, realizing that he had been caught in the act. “With a work colleague,” he tried to get out of it. “Don’t lie to me, Robert. I heard every word you said,” Christina said with a heavy heart. Robert lowered his head, realizing that he could no longer hide the truth. “I’m sorry, Christina. It was a mistake. I don’t know how I got the idea. Christina looked at him, sincerely trying to understand what had changed in their relationship. “We were so happy… What happened, Robert?”

“I… I lost our connection, Christina. I’m truly sorry for what I did.” Both were silent, trying to process what was happening. “Perhaps we should see a marriage counselor,” Christina suggested, not wanting to ruin their marriage. Robert nodded, realizing that this was their last chance to reclaim the past. “I agree. I’ll do my best to make amends.” Christina nodded, too, hoping that their love could overcome this trial. But deep down, she knew that the road to rebuilding trust would be long and difficult.


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