Olena went into the cafe’s restroom to wash her hands and suddenly heard a strange conversation coming from the stall: “Can you imagine, Nina, he’s in there with his wife, with that mare, Elena. I almost pulled her hair out of jealousy. After all, he said he didn’t take her anywhere, and there was nothing between them at all!”

Olena went into the cafe’s restroom to wash her hands and suddenly heard a strange conversation coming from the stall: “Can you imagine, Nina, he’s in there with his wife, with that mare, Elena. I almost pulled her hair out of jealousy. After all, he said he didn’t take her anywhere, and there was nothing between them at all!”

Olena went into the cafe’s restroom to wash her hands and suddenly heard a strange conversation coming from the stall: “Can you imagine, Nina, he’s in there with his wife, with that mare, Elena. I almost pulled her hair out of jealousy. After all, he said he doesn’t take her anywhere, and there is nothing between them at all!” Olena felt embarrassed when she heard her name in the conversation. She froze at the sink, not believing her ears. Her heart was racing as the conversation continued. Olena decided to wait and look at the woman who was discussing her fate so unceremoniously. Soon she saw two women.

One of them was a blonde with a cold look, the other was a brunette with a gloating smile. “Excuse me,” said Olena, “I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation. So you’re dating my husband? The blonde flinched, and the brunette took a step back. “Oh, my God,” the blonde gasped, “you’re…you’re Elena? Elena nodded, barely holding back her tears. “Well,” she said sarcastically, “now I know the truth. Olena came out of the restroom and returned to her desk. Her husband Oleksiy noticed her worried look. “What’s wrong, Olena?” he asked, taking her hand. Olena looked at his face. “Oleksiy,” she said firmly, “I think we need to have a serious talk.

Oleksiy turned pale, but Olena did not give him a chance to answer. “Elena, I… I don’t know what to say,” he said, lowering his head. But Olena had already made her decision. She stood up, leaving him sitting alone at the table with a glass of wine in his hand. That evening changed her life. Later, Olena realized that it was the best thing that could have happened to her. New opportunities were now open to her, and she was ready to start over, without lies and deception in her life.


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