My grandfather forbade me to go to the sea with my friends, and it made me very sad. But then it became known that the bus had overturned…

My grandfather forbade me to go to the sea with my friends, and it made me very sad. But then it became known that the bus had overturned…

I have been afraid of my grandfather Hryhorii since early childhood. Our house was divided into two parts: my father, mother, and I lived in the larger one. My paternal grandfather Pylyp lived in the annex and tiny kitchen. Every Sunday, the whole family had to gather at the big table for lunch – that was the rule: “And you can’t break the rules. Period!” said Pylyp.

“I will never forget that conversation… I was seven years old at the time.” “I fell in love with another woman, and I’m divorcing you, Halia,” my father said coldly. My mother tilted her head and said nothing, tears streaming down her face.

The grandfather was silent, then went out on the porch, smoked, spat angrily, put out the cigarette, and returned to the house: “Galia,” the old man said to my mother, “pack his things. Immediately. “Don’t you understand?” the father was indignant. “This is my house! My young wife and I will live here.” – You don’t have a home anymore. You can go to the four winds.

With his young wife. I’ve said it all. That’s it! “You know better than to argue with me, don’t you?” Grandpa Pylyp looked at his son strangely. “I know! “No wonder they call you the Witch!” my father gritted his teeth in anger. “I’m not a Witch! I’m a soothsayer. I know a lot and I have a feeling,” Pilip said coldly and turned to my mother, “Halochka, I have always dreamed of a daughter. It didn’t work out… But now I have a daughter. Don’t be afraid of anything.

I will always be there for you,” and patted her on the shoulder… My father left our house. I never saw him again: he got married and went to the neighboring countries, and forgot that he had a father and a son. Well, God is his judge. The old man was strict, harsh, but, as I now understand, fair. I did not like my grandfather! If I skipped school, he knew about it. And, of course, he punished me. “Did you leak yesterday?” he asked me sternly. “I will not hit you, I am against these methods.

You’ll work it off. If only you knew what it was like to work off the time! You have to paint the fence for the neighbor’s grandmother Dunya, or water her cow. And then, in the evening, when all the boys go to the club, you have to clean the paddock. And this is not a pleasant task! But you can’t disobey, the old man won’t let you: “There are rules, and you have to follow them. I have said everything. Period!” Grandpa, as always, stood his ground. When I was nineteen, my friends invited me to the sea. My mom was away on a business trip, so I had no one to ask. I naively thought so. I was planning to leave early in the morning, and at dawn my grandfather appeared in my room: “Where are you going?” he asked quietly. To the sea. With my friends!” I answered sharply. “You won’t let me go, will you?” I guessed right. I won’t let you go. I’ve said everything. Period! – Listen, I’m an adult! And it’s not up to you to decide whether I go or not! So leave me alone!” I shouted at the old man. I grabbed my packed bag and was just about to head for the door when my feet literally grew into the floor.

I could not take a step! “Now do you understand? It will be as I said! Do you understand? And then it turned out that the bus I was planning to take to the train station had overturned: several people did not survive.

But at the time I did not connect these two moments: my grandfather’s ban and the accident. Now I realize that he had foreseen this and stopped me. A few years ago, the old man sailed away to the other world. To be honest, although it’s a shame, I wasn’t particularly sad: he had a very difficult character.

I’ve been married for a long time, and I have a beautiful daughter, Galochka, named after my mother.

Last winter, she and I went sledding down a hill not far from our house. It was already dark outside, and Halochka did not want to leave. I must admit, I noticed too late that my daughter had moved to the other, steeper side of the hill…

The girl lay down on her stomach on the sled and went down. And suddenly I realized that the sled was flying right onto a busy highway! From a distance, I could see that my daughter could not stop lying on her stomach. I was so scared! I rushed to her, but the distance was too far… Suddenly the sled suddenly stopped by itself. I ran up to my daughter: “Are you okay?” “Of course. Daddy, where is grandpa?

– “What grandfather?” – I stared in surprise, because I hadn’t seen anyone near the child. “Well… he came out onto the road… waved his hands… and the sled stopped… And he said something else, I don’t remember what…

I decided that she was just fantasizing, and in the evening Halia came to our room and said: ‘I remembered what that grandfather told me: “You can’t ride here. It’s a rule…” – “And you have to follow the rules?” – I asked my daughter again and added: “I said everything. Period”? Did he tell you that?”

– Yes, he did! Did you hear him too? He’s so good… you can tell he’s very good! I realized: it was my grandfather, he saved my daughter. And then I thought: it was thanks to my grandfather that I also survived…

It was my grandfather who taught me not to be afraid of any difficulties: to mow, saw and chop wood, prune trees, take care of the garden… To be myself. Not to be afraid of anything in life. Thank you, grandfather!




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