My husband Serhiy and I had a life that many people envied. Nothing is left of that life anymore… Recently, Serhiy made a sensation: he is dating another woman. When I heard his excuse, I was stunned…

My husband Serhiy and I had a life that many people envied. Nothing is left of that life anymore… Recently, Serhiy made a sensation: he is dating another woman. When I heard his excuse, I was stunned…

My husband Serhiy and I had a life that many people envied. Nothing is left of that life anymore. Starting from scratch, we built our lives together, including a successful plastic toy business. Although we’ve been together for 20 years, our son is only 10, as we were initially focused on our financial situation. Last year, I went abroad with my son to find out about job opportunities in Germany. At first, Sergiy supported me by reassuring me that everything was fine during our daily calls. This summer, when I returned, Serhiy gave me the news: he was dating

another woman. His excuse? I was away from home for too long. His indifference was heartbreaking. He offered me a choice: to stay and live on, pretending that nothing had happened, or to return to Germany and think about our next steps, while ensuring our son has a bright future. Now, knowing the truth, I am at a crossroads and doubt whether I should stay in my homeland or whether I am not welcome here and will be of more use in Germany.

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