Vika opened the door and, seeing a courier with a huge bouquet on the doorstep, thought that it was her who had sent the flowers. But when she found out who the flowers were for, she was surprised.

Vika opened the door and, seeing a courier with a huge bouquet on the doorstep, thought that it was her who had sent the flowers. But when she found out who the flowers were for, she was surprised.

Vika had just returned from work when the doorbell rang. She opened the door and saw a courier with a huge bouquet of beautiful roses.

With her heart beating fast with excitement, she thought that this was finally a sign of attention from the very colleague she liked so much. “Hello! Is this 12 Sadovaya Street, apartment 58?” the courier clarified, taking his chance to appreciate Vika’s expressive eyes. “Is this for me?” Vika asked excitedly, taking the bouquet in her hands. The courier checked his notes and, looking guilty, replied: “I’m sorry, but this is for Elena Mikhailovna.

This must be your mother? Disappointment instantly colored Vika’s face, but she nodded and closed the door, not forgetting to thank the courier. “Mom, they sent you flowers!” Vika exclaimed as she entered the living room. Elena was surprised to open the envelope attached to the bouquet.

It contained a short note from a secret admirer expressing his admiration for her beauty and his desire to meet her. “Oh, my God,” Elena laughed, “secret admirers at my age? This is something unusual! Vika seized the moment to encourage her mother and herself. “Mom, you know that beauty knows no age! And you are amazing. Who knows?

Is this the beginning of something interesting? Both women laughed as they looked at the flowers. Vika realized that sometimes happiness comes unexpectedly – and from unexpected sources. Her mother even looked a little happier and younger as she held the bouquet in her hands.

They spent the evening discussing possible scenarios for this romantic adventure and laughed as they imagined what this mysterious admirer might be like. Vika felt warmth and closeness with her mother that she hadn’t felt in a long time. She disappeared from thinking about her colleague and was surprised that a small gesture in the form of a bouquet of flowers could bring so much joy and fun into their lives.


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